
Apply for an ACCE Scholarship

Application deadline is Monday, April 1, 2024

This application must be accompanied by:

  1. Two references – adults at school (teacher, counselor, or coach) who know you best and can speak to your interest in continuing your education and your desire for mentoring
  2. Official high school transcript
  3. Two-part essay (approximately 100 words each part) describing:
    a) a challenge you have faced and how you handled it and
    b) your main strength and weakness and how you think mentoring will help you

Please note that it is important to submit all required information since missing data may be an obstacle to selection.


The single most important and unique element of ACCE’s approach to continuing education is to provide mentoring for recipients of our scholarships. We know that research confirms the powerful positive impact of quality mentoring relationships on young people as they pursue their goals and we take seriously the opportunity to be part of their journey. We guarantee our ACCE students guidance, coaching and encouragement during the entire term of their scholarship through personal relationships with mentors who meet with them regularly. Those mentor meetings include non-judgmental discussion of goals, progress, and challenges in a safe, positive environment based on each student’s individual situation and experience. Mentors understand that their role is not to solve a student’s problems but to use their experience, insight, and expertise to ask questions and offer suggestions and coaching to help students learn and move forward independently. Our mentors are committed to the student’s successful navigation of the high school to college transition and to ongoing growth, development, and academic success. ACCE students matter to us and we care about them.

Online Application


Advocates for a Community College Education, Inc.

P.O. Box 557
Yarmouth Port, MA 02675